we were strangers


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01.26.11 -- stranger #8 -- kendra -- montréal, qc

stranger #8 — kendra
self portrait | portrait
montréal, qc | 3:40pm EST

you can take my picture too. just give me the camera.

stranger wish: i want somebody with big eyes. it just makes everything pop.

01.26.11 - stranger #7 -- jade -- montréal, qc

stranger #7 — jade
self portrait | portrait
montréal, qc | 3:35pm EST

smile like you mean it. write a speech. inspire all to be more.

stranger wish: find me an attractive bald woman.

01.26.11 -- stranger #6 -- judith -- montréal, qc

stranger #6 — judith
self portrait | portrait
montréal, qc | 3:30pm EST

lay it all down. fill the table. organize. be real with others.

stranger wish: find my the girl with the purple hair.


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01.19.11 -- colleen joy -- montréal, qc

stranger #5 — colleen joy
self portrait | portrait
montréal, qc | 5:30pm EST

radical cupcakes will go beyond constructs.

stranger wish: androgynous – just…androgynous.


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01.13.11 -- valerie -- montréal, qc

stranger #4 — valerie
self portrait | portrait
montréal, qc | 5:30pm EST

ask. record. transcribe. analyze.

when you’re always coordinating, you end up missing out.

stranger wish: somebody with blue hair. who works in the service industry… that’ll be a challenge.


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01.04.11 -- étrangère #3 -- camille -- montréal, qc

étrangère #3 — camille
auto portrait | portrait
montréal, qc | 4:40pm EST

nous étions étrangers.
nous le somme maintenant encore plus.

un thé renversé. un devoir tâché. une tarification incessante. un service en déclin. des communautés isolées. la pornographie des âmes.

souhait étranger: quelqu’un de dynamique… quelqu’un qui n’est pas ‘straight’. évites complètement le monde ‘straight’.


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01.03.11 -- stranger #2 -- stewart -- montréal, qc

stranger #2 — stewart
self portrait | portrait
montréal, qc | 11:40pm EST

destination knows no time. you travel onwards for 24 hours and time moves with you. smile through it.

stranger wish: another nationality. not australian. not canadian. just… another.


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01.01.11 -- stranger #1 -- scott -- wichita, ks

stranger #1 — scott
self portrait | portrait
wichita, ks | 9:55pm CST

wewerestrangers remixed.

turned my life around. try to live it to the best of my abilities.
there’s the 60 second version and the 10 minute version and anywhere in between. which do you want?

stranger wish: find me somebody with a goatee. they used to be all the rage. now they’re almost extinct.


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12.31.10 -- self portrait -- wichita, s

self portrait
wichita, ks | 11:55pm CST

final minutes of a year of searching, hunting, pushing, striving, forcing, resisting, releasing, allowing, seeing, being.

final minutes of a project that is not meant to end quite yet.

a project that is not a project.

a project that is existence.

an existence that transcends the self.

an existence better lived.

avec toi.
avec tout le monde.

12.31.10 -- kim -- wichita, ks

wichita, ks | 11:40pm CST

just a farm girl
never exposed to art
but it comes from within
this generosity of spirit
and it’ll never blink

and that’s why we continue


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12.30.10 -- self portrait -- wichita, ks

self portrait
wichita, ks | 5:00pm CST

what’s your hook?

12.30.10 -- mike -- wichita, ks

wichita, ks | 5:10pm CST

a piece of art 20 years in the making


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12.29.10 -- self portrait -- clearwater, ks

self portrait
clearwater, ks | 4:00pm CST

you don’t have to choose

12.29.10 -- michelle -- wichita, ks

wichita, ks | 1:10pm CST

growing in the grow-op


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12.28.10 -- self portrait -- clearwater, ks

self portrait
clearwater, ks | 11:20pm CST

the last 40 minutes

12.28.10 -- john -- wichita, ks

wichita, ks | 6:50pm CST

brused teeth awesomeness