without comments
self portrait pretoria, south africa | 11:40pm SAST
adapt your connection
sandile pretoria, south africa | 6:20pm SAST
true youth true power
self portrait pretoria, south africa | 4:40pm SAST
thousands of solitudes
laura pretoria, south africa | 5:20pm SAST
what we need to see
self portrait pretoria, south africa | 11:30pm SAST
going going
alex pretoria, south africa | 11:20pm SAST
not myspace
self portrait pretoria, south africa | 11:55pm SAST
miss a minute miss a mile
evelyn pretoria, south africa | 11:00pm SAST
the feet the journey the unity
self portrait pretoria, south africa | 4:45pm SAST
something to keep your head right
justine pretoria, south africa | 5:00pm SAST
chenge the world
self portrait pretoria, south africa | 4:50pm SAST
sit on it
kaitlin pretoria, south africa | 5:30pm SAST
take it with or without a sign
self portrait pretoria, south africa | 9:50pm SAST
take it all with you
becca pretoria, south africa | 10:30pm SAST
as tired as i feel
self portrait montréal, qc | 5:05pm EST
i am airport art
annette atlanta, ga | 3:30pm EST
as happy as i feel
self portrait montréal, qc | 9:45pm EST
love en deux langues
milana montréal, qc | 7:30pm EST
pas mon moment avec le plus d’inspiration
mais voilÃ
self portrait montréal, qc | 10:45pm EST
home moves with you
omar montréal, qc | 9:30pm EST
j’ai d’lair bête.
mais je m’en fou.