without comments
self portrait gatineau, qc | 11:55pm EST
embrace the chaos
david gatineau, qc | 11:50pm EST
documenting the mundane it’s totally my thing
take the stairs it’s quieter
lauren gatineau, qc | 11:50pm EST
do you see it? do you see my button?
self portrait gatineau, qc | 2:20pm EST
’cause the power of the students don’t stop
jessica montréal, qc | 11:45pm EST
lose your voice for what it’s worth
self portrait gatineau, qc | 11:25pm EST
noise is everywhere
doug gatineau, qc | 11:20pm EST
think from afar
self portrait gatineau, qc | 11:05pm EST
always here
nick gatineau, qc | 11:40pm EST
introduce yourself over and over and over again
self portrait montréal, qc | 9:25pm EST
always leaving
andré montréal, qc | 9:10pm EST
ma pose backstreet boys
self portrait montréal, qc | 6:55pm EST
the key to hiding is layers
jonathan montréal, qc | 6:00pm EST
une main triche l’autre main bloque
self portrait montréal, qc | 11:55pm EST
an inch off the ground
cat kidd montréal, qc | 10:20pm EST
born to share
self portrait montréal, qc | 10:45pm EST
it’s all blank
arnold montréal, qc | 10:55pm EST
et l’autobus
self portrait montréal, qc | 11:35pm EST
somebody somewhere is naked
marcela montréal, qc | 10:35pm EST
everybody has their stranger project